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*in a southern town, hominy get it on the plate girl. 2002-05-09 4:26 p.m.*

i am getting hungry and i have fresh mangos downstairs because they are for sale at publix right now, 2 for a dollar, so i don't think i will be writing very long, but i did want to post about how i'm very excited that james is so cool and gives me rides home when i walk to campus to proofread her papers. 'cause it's hot and i've got a cranky period which is giving me cranky hips. and i left my shoes in jennifer connelly's room and burned my feet going to campus (but i have them now), which i knew was happening, even though some woman felt the need to yell out of her car "where yo' shoes? you burnin' yo' feet!" thanks, woman, thanks. i didn't realize.

in other news, yes, yesterday was productive, and now today i will lay around and hurt.

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