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*hermione, do do do do do do do do do do, hermione. 2001-06-07 1:50 p.m.*

achoo! achoo!

i dreamed last night that i was in some building with a public restroom. and there was a rack of all kinds of information sheets and zines and stuff outside of it. and as i was going into the restroom i saw the new issue of muffy, so i picked it up. and it was really weird, of course, because it was a dream. it was basically a bunch of comics and i really didn't like it. i was so confused, because i wanted to write about it in my journal (this was still in my dream), but i didn't want heather or jane or anyone else who might read this who's part of muffy to think that i hated them. because it wasn't personal, it was just a bad zine. i woke up when the phone rang, but i didn't get there in time, and whoever it was hung up before the answering machine picked up. i went back to bed and lay there, wondering when muffy will actually come out.

it's been a nice day, though. i let myself sleep till noon, deciding that it's okay for me to be lazy, i've got my period. and mom seemed okay with it too. and then i went to the library while she went to the health food store, and i got some videos (including harold and maude, woo!) and the last harry potter book, because i never read it, despite the fact that lust and i wrote the next harry potter book for j.k. when i was in london (harry turns evil, so does the car. they become partners in crime. erol, the owl, and his wife (ron's little sister, what's her name?) save the day though. dobby gets whomped by the whomping willow. and all the professors of defense against dark arts start a band, called hermione's impossible timetable. there first hit will be a cover of the steps' "tragedy" with "hermione" in place of the word tragedy, and "do"s in place of all the other words. snape will be their go-go dancer. in my england box, i have pictures lust drew of snape as a go-go dancer, and pimp daddy dobby).

we came home, and the mail truck was at the house after ours and so i ran out to get it, not expecting anything too exciting, because i haven't gotten anything exciting in the mail all summer, and there was a big padded envelope. at first i thought it was my zines, or the t-shirts i ordered, but yo, it was from james! it was her extra vagina monologues t-shirt, woo, though i will probably not be wearing that around the house, and a wonderful letter. yay! it's wonderful when the girl of your dreams just exists.

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