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*glooooooooria hosanna in excelsis. 2001-12-24 1:11 p.m.*

kitten is saying "oh oh! eh eh!" and snooping around the closet where my laundry basket used to be. i've just shoved it full of stuff. it's like a mary poppins laundry basket! i want a talking duck umbrella this holiday season.

and a pony. and my universe. and the broke lesbian island. and the island where everyone who's sad can be and cheer up and be friends. and a completed thesis. and all kinds of beautiful women at my beck and call. and world peace. and wonders and wonders of his love. and a magic glade (not a glade plug-in, i say). and um... stuff.

anyway, i've been on this getting back in touch with people kick, and i've been emailing back and forth with my cousin, nurse, and hearing all her news. she's getting married to this boy she used to sort of make fun of early in high school. and i'm invited, woo! and i finally told her i'm gay and she's fine with that. people's reactions to that always intrigue me.

oh, and finally my site was found by looking for something appropriate... vagina licking! woo!

anyway... merryness and stuff!

(link: guinea pig cam!)

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