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*and everything will flow. 2001-12-20 11:08 p.m.*

i was a little sad after work today. but don't worry, don't take my toys away. not really really sad. just a little sad. i think every person who i'd called during my last hour and gotten ahold of was asleep when i called. beh. i felt so bad!

otherwise my day went fairly good. pretty uneventful. got a nice christmas card, read some... not bad. in fact i'm not sure why i'm posting, because it was fairly unremarkable in its just niceness. i just kind of wanted to vent out the post work guiltsad.

(link: another.com is where i get all my exciting email addresses. i love the addresses that you can get, but it's not always up which is sort of a pain. but if you want some fun novelty addresses, i vote here.)

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