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*like my conversation with michael where i felt like i was speaking like they do on drama tv shows. 2001-07-30 10:44 p.m.*

i suppose i should update so that you know i haven't died, but i so don't know what to talk about. i mean stuff's been going on, sort of, but not really anything to write about. or if it is to write about, i don't really feel like writing about it.

basically, i'm just not feeling journally these days. not even so correspondency as usual. sort of, i mean it's like infinity. like it's noticable to me that i'm writing less and stuff, but i don't think it is to other people, because they feel inundated either way. yes...

i don't know.

i'm bored. but i get to hang out with kids in the morning at vacation bible school, and i might just get to see my james sooner rather than later, so that's happy. but... my life is a lot of tv.

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