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*family day. 2001-07-27 11:47 p.m.*

i visited my dad today, well, tonight. it was remarkably painless. he was pretty normal, only fell asleep once during the conversation, we kept up a pretty good stream of talking without any awkward silence. we talked about a lot of the stuff i'd talked to him about before, and he told me a lot of the same stories, but it was pretty okay. we talked about clyde, and that was nice. he was my dad's cat. dad never liked cats until he found clyde, and they were meant for each other. we had him for about 10 years. he got run over about halfway through that time and for the rest of his life his belly sagged down. he was a sarcastic cat, if there ever was one, such an old man. when he would do naughty things and dad would get mad, he would disappear for days, and when he came back he'd have a soot moustache. one day one of us discovered that he was sticking his nose in exhaust pipes. crazy crazy cat. we all still miss him a lot.

he'd asked me to come over when he was at work, but i told him i was waiting for a call from james, so i could maybe come after that. and then later, we were talking about something else and i mentioned that i'd been to jacksonville for a week and he asked what was there. "that's where james lives." "oh, your friend, your good friend, your best buddy." and his wife said, "her s.o." so that was kind of weird. on the drive home, i told him about how i wanted him to meet her. i do, i want him to see this wonderful person in my life and to see how wonderfully we work together. but then, it's like that sitcom i saw sometime this summer where some character was embarassed to introduce his girlfriend to his family, and she thought it was because he was embarassed of her, but really he was embarassed of them. i wish i could introduce him to who he was years ago, because so much of me does come from my dad. i'm much more like my dad than my mom. i get a lot of my dark side from him, but i also get my sense of humor from him, and my love of music, and a lot of really good stuff. but it's hard to see the him in him anymore, and i think she'd see a lot of the man who makes me sad. but anyway, i said, "i want you to meet her, or at least to tell you what she's like, but i don't know how to describe her to tell you what she's really like. um, she likes james taylor and the color blue..." "what color is her hair?" and i explained that and that she has really pretty blue eyes, and then he said something like, "so, do you call her your girlfriend?" "yeah, i do." "well, i'm so glad you could find a friend like that." "yeah, she's really amazing." "is she like the other half of you? like she's salt and you're pepper." "something like that, yeah, dad. we work really well together, and everyone who knows us thinks we're the best ever." so i think he's sort of getting it, maybe. i showed him her picture and explained how she's more serious than me, but then i couldn't really figure out how to explain how. *sighs and shrugs*

i played him "screenwriter's blues" and "freak show," 'cause he was wondering what i listened to. he knows some ani, but i wanted him to hear some of her new stuff, 'cause it's sooo different.

anyway, after he left, i got online, and checked my email and there was an email from my sissy. i was soooo excited! she's not related to me at all biologically, but we've recognized that we were sisters since we first met. i've been thinking about her a lot lately, wondering how she is, but i didn't know if her email or snail mail were the same or anything. but it was the same email address. i opened it and it said, "i need my sissy." oh, i hope she's all right. it was so good to hear from her, but i don't like to be all worried about her now. but hopefully we will stay in better contact. i love her, bunches.

and tomorrow james gets back to jacksonville from pennsylvania and we'll be able to talk online oh so much. rock!

i hope kid e's doing alright.

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