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*diaryland dialogue of the day #2. 2002-03-14 4:14 p.m.*

i'm sick of all this shit. i'm sick of everybody's shit. i'm sick of caring. i'm sick of communication breaking down, and just watching it break down, and trying to fix it fucking things up more. i'm sick of misquoting other people's emotions, because they're translated through me and my way of seeing the world. i just want people to get along, and for it to stop being drama and for there to be no feelings hurt when there was never any intention of hurting feelings. is that too much to ask?

why do people suck so much ass!!!! people are dumb and irrational and annoying and they make me want to be a hermit rather than a minister.

crying total for the day = 3 times.

this is not my job. which is why when i try and take it up, i fuck it up so much.

the problem with emotion is when it makes you feel like you would rather chop off your own arm than feel how you are feeling.

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