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*starring my balcony as penishenge. 2001-09-19 1:45 p.m.*

i've been really wishing i lived on campus lately, despite how much i love my house. what we should do, is remove penishenge and replace it with my house. i'll even let people put a ramp up to my balcony and they can park there.

my front bike tire was flat, which i've been suspecting, but fortunately number one had a bike pump (i almost wrote "bike pimp") so it's fixed now.

but yeah, it's always such a process to get here, and i get all sweaty and stuff, and sometimes i just want to roll out of bed into a class back into bed. and when i do come to campus i always feel like i should stay because what if i want to be here, and can't leave my house. though of course the only reason i wouldn't be able to leave my house would be because i would be too lazy to bike back.

but maybe with full tires the process will seem less daunting?

this morning was yucky, guys. i had horrible gas. like, i couldn't lay on my stomach because it felt like there was a ball of knives there. at first when i woke up i'd thought my bladder had exploded or something. but yeah, for about 40 minutes this morning, i was tossing and turning, and trying to lay on my stomach and burp, and doing all sorts of weird stuff to let out a big burp, and trying not to vomit, because that's what my body kept trying to do, and just feeling generally shitty. it's times like these where i really wish we could afford medical insurance for me. i mean, nothing's wrong really, but it would ease my mind to know that if something was it could get taken care of. this is the second time this has happened this week.

i really should do some work. i actually did quite a bit of reading last night, though i never finished the secret project.

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