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*baby bird, how do you make it sound so pretty? 2002-04-23 3:39 p.m.*

so yeah, maybe my last entry made me seem like a sexist pig. let me just also say that the exish and i have been bitching about how evil women are, so you know, it goes both ways for me. yeah, so i basically hate everyone.

misanthropic nesrop? really not so much, and when the people hating vibe sets in, i know it will pass eventually. really it's just when boys hurt my girls that i really want to kick their teeth in. and with the girls thing, well, you know i just can't help lovin' 'em. i wish i was l l cool n. ladies love cool nesrop.

blah blah blah. can you tell that my brain is very flighty right now? it's still sort of focussing on the black olive pizza bagel i had for lunch, and a little twitched out from walking around in the heat. (watch my baby fly, away, watch my baby fly.) kickboxing was good, but i got a little bit of the dizzy. not sure what set that in. it really was our pretty standard workout, but i was so tired. and there was someone who i really don't want to ever deal with again in there.

i think i will just go lay down and listen to more babybird and u2 until i have to get ready for work. my brain is sooo frizzed (c-o-c-a-c-o-l-a), and my body is so tired. not at all into this idea of "work" tonight.

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