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*though there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by. 2001-12-09 9:07 a.m.*

church apparently will be happening after all. with james and asia. i think that's a good thing. i just hope i do finish this paper today like i meant to or else i'm sort of screwed. i needed to go to bed when i did last night, even if i didn't sleep for a long long time, my sleep function clogged by thoughts and tears and mucus. now i wish i'd been able to make it sitting up at the computer longer to at least get some sort of start on ye olde paper, but it is okay.

preciousest jennifer connelly, i know that fist closed around the heart feeling, and it sucks major ass, and i don't know what to tell you except to call if you need to. there is lots of love for you.

but yeah, the sleep was necessary last night, and i feel less like the creature from the black lagoon, and a little more ready to deal with life than i was when i went to sleep. and now perhaps there will be an attempt at paper writing, before church.

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