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*why do i have "carlotta valdez" in my head? 2001-10-27 12:53 p.m.*

i wound up spending the night on ave's bed last night. in the morning i kept waking up and thinking i should go home and feed my cat, but i just didn't. and then i would have these dreams about trying to pack bunches of things into my bike basket so that i could go home, and i kept trying to bring home this dying bird that i really did actually see yesterday.

i've seen very few dying birds in my life. in fact, i can only think of 2, and they wer both from this past week. the first one i was all "proactive" and called the pelican man, but this one seemed so beyond hope. and it just seemed like it had reached the end of it's life fairly naturally, and so i just left it. but i keep thinking about it now.

james and i hung out yesterday. we were going to go to the beach but neither of us were feeling quite that active, so we went down to the beach by caples, where we had a really nice time until we saw the bird. so we went back to her room, and looked at photos and stuff, and then i got all weepy again, but not so bad as i have been, i think.

we went down to marriott, and i found out that the boys were going shopping, so i went with them, and that was a real fun time. i enjoy them a whole lot, and yo, they can't ever see me being a prissy girl, so that makes me happy.

we came back and hung out in their room until number one got back, and then we had her surprise birthday party, which i thought was really fun. it was peanuthead's wall, and part of that was home videos, which were really funny in juxtaposition with the songs. "closer" was particularly funny.

beh, this is a boring entry. i guess i'll cut to this morning, when i did get home. guess who's throwing up again? yes, my wee little kitteny one. it makes me very sad. she should not be vomitacious. and i really don't have the money to take her to the vet again. but i really do need to, so hopefully we can get a ride there soon.

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