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*bobo! 2002-02-22 11:49 a.m.*

oh, i am so sad! i just got home from a fun-filled night at michael's, and miki making us breakfast which was nice if somewhat surreal, to an email about how the b-dorm soiree is at bloody 8 pm on march 2, you know, the same night i planned my open mic for. it makes me so sad and so frustrated, too, because i looked at the calendar and carefully chose a date that didn't conflict with anything, and i can't move it to a friday because i work friday nights, and i just wish i had known. and i mean, it's frustrating too, that the b-dorm soiree was announced so close to the actual date anyway. i mean, what kind of plans can you make in that amount of time. i mean, i'm probably just somewhat bitter, but it just makes me so disappointed.

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