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*interview* *tests*

*your ass is a box! and i will kick it. 2002-04-26 2:09 a.m.*

good christ, kids. i'm sorry i offended people. i can definitely understand why my bashing of an entire gender is offensive, but you guys need to realize that this is my diary in which i vent, say absurd things off the top of my head, and apologize in following entries. what was particularly interesting is that in the entry directly following the one there was much complaining about, i addressed many of the issues one of my guestbook signers had with the entry about boys. you also have to understand that i do know cool and wonderful boys who i love dearly, but right at that point in time, it seemed like all the girls i cared about (including myself) were being screwed over by the male gender, and it just hurt me on a lot of levels. i hate seeing my friends hurt, and it just frustrates me how there are these people who wouldn't date me because of my sex (and i'm not blaming them or anything, hormones or society, if anything, and then, still, not so much), and yet get crummy treatment from people they do date or are even just interested in. this has been my experience in a lot of cases, and i know i shouldn't blame the whole sex (i'm using gender and sex interchangably here, referring to people who were born male and exhibit stereotypical male traits), believe me, i know that, i've thought about that, i think about it a lot, i'm working on it, i know it's correlation rather than causation, etc., etc... but i'm fucking human, and even though i hate categorization, especially gender categorization, i do it, too, and i'm sorry that i hurt anyone. that was not my intention. and, it also frustrates me how these people don't understand how tongue-in-cheek most of my entries are. i laugh at myself the whole time i write these damn things. i am a ridiculous person. i freely admit that. so yeah, my request to you is to a) get a sense of irony, or at least a sense of humor, b) understand that this is my grumble book and it's very immediate in composition, c) read the entry after the one that pisses you off, if it is available, because usually i've cooled off by then, and d) leave your name!


the management

(aka stan)

(addendum 2:51 am:


in lighter news, i saw my banner up for the first time tonight, and i actually saw it twice.

and i also just want to say that there's something going on that i'm not writing about here at all, and only 3 people know about it, and they all read this diary, and they're being wonderfully supportive, and i want to thank them, even though it's not a big deal, i guess, it also is, and so... yeah, thanks guys!)

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