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*"staying up all night," from 1-8-00 2002-01-05 6:55 p.m.*

Seven weeks of reading papers

Seven weeks of river walkways

Seven weeks of feeling guilty

Seven weeks of staying up all night

Summer in winter

Winter in springtime

You heard the birds say

Everything will be fine.

"A Summer Wasting"

by Belle and Sebastian


i'm home! there's so much to talk about it, and i doubt i'll remember it all, and i'm going to

start with the middle which was new year's, because i'm sure everyone is thrilled to find

out how i spent my new year's eve.

so, anyway... we had planned to just stay home for new years. the peach drop was going

to be incredibly crowded (someone got shot there anyway...), first night atlanta was

advertised as what the cleavers would go to if they were alive and lived in atlanta, and

clubbing would be insane.

but then her dad took us out to eat, and while we were there we heard about something at

little five points, and suddenly it hit michael and i that we would spend the night that it

changed from double 9's to double 0's, at home! and that just wouldn't do. well, michael's

dad is a bit protective. we had to consistently call him about everything we did and ask for

permission and we had curfews and that sort of thing, all of which was utterly foreign to

me, because my mom was always so excited i was getting out of the house for once that

she didn't really care too much, as long as it wasn't dangerous, and she trusted god, and

me, to get me through whatever. so, he was not up for the little five points idea late at

night. so we went home, and he went to the children's hospital where michael's stepmom

works where they were having a sort of y2k vigil, to make sure that nothing went wrong.

so, we were at home, and trying to figure out what to do.

"let's go somewhere utterly random!"

"like what? walmart?"

"yeah! walmart! and let's get dressed up!"

"oo, and we can wear crowns and... oh! we should bring those dolls my sister has in the


"and we'll take pictures of them!"(this was pre-digital camera)

"oo! let's bring tsk's mix tape!"

"and play backstreet boys at new years!"

okay, that's a rough estimate of what was said, but that's what we did. we drove to

walmart, and when we got there, unloaded a portable tape player, the dolls, a camera, a

bottle of non-alcoholic sparkling cider, and various other props for pictures that we plan

to put into an exhibit in the school's cafe, "mildred and gertrude, suburban housewives."

surprisingly enough, we didn't attract any employees' attentions until a few minutes before

midnight, but she was pretty nice about it, and so we were able to play backstreet boys in

the lingerie section of walmart to ring in the year 2000! however before the song was done

the same woman came back and told us to leave, because her manager wanted us to.

yeah, so it was fun... unusual, yes, but that's good. we'll always remember it. and we have

a story to tell everyone. that's what counts, right? it was immature and silly, yes, but heck,

we're 18 and 19. we only have a little longer of kidness yet. (well, i think i may transcend

that with my peter pan syndrome, but you know what i mean.)


atlanta was so much fun. it's the biggest city i've ever been in, and i was frequently amazed

and amused. we did so much, but there was so much more we could have done. i'm

probably going to do this all out of order.

the first day was more or less just a catchup day, and then that night we went to the mall.

but we only had an hour, so we didn't buy anything. new year's eve day was also pretty

"dull," if i remember right. the thing is michael and i can have fun no matter what we do,

so even though in her father's eyes we were "wasting" the day, we were still having a lot

of fun.

oh! one of those days we went to harry's which was this HUGE farmer's market. it had so

much neat and unusual stuff. we planned to go back the day before we left, but that day

was too full, so we never did, which is sad, because there was a bunch of stuff i wanted to

take home.

also, another day, we watched the video of woody allen's celebrity which was pretty good.

michael's favorite part was the banana part, which kind of made me want to vomit. i'm not

sure what i liked best, but i particularly liked that leonardo dicaprio played an asshole, and

winona ryder didn't play a winona ryder character.

new year's day we loafed around again, but that night we went clubbing at masquerade.

that was interesting. they played a mix of indian pop music and american stuff (both nights

we went they played sir mix-a-lot, woo). when we got there (which was at 10, because we

were supposed to be back at 2, so we tried to get as much out of it as we could), there

was no one dancing. we sat for a bit, but then finally said, "screw this! we paid $10 to be

here, let's have fun!" so, we got up and danced, just the two of us. we danced for an

incredibly long time and finally had to stop to get water. so, we sat and drank our water,

and these three trendesque girls started dancing. we finished our water and went back to

dance and shortly after that, they left the dance floor. it was probably because we were

such bad dancers, but i like to pretend that it was because they were in awe of our

wonderful dancing. it was a lot of fun to have the floor to ourselves, though, to let the

music take us where we needed to go. it was some crazy dancing, yo.

the next day, i think we went to the mall, and i got a crazy shirt. it's brown silkiness with

these orange and white flecks on it. it's not like anything i own, but i enjoy it.

and then we went to best buy where i bought my digital camera, woo!

that night her sister came home from london. her band played in a parade there for new

year's. i really like her sister. she's a sophomore in high school, but doesn't really seem any

younger than michael and me. we both hope she comes to new college, but with any luck,

i will have graduated before she gets here (i did pass this contract, btw! woo!)

the next day we went to the zoo, and that was fun. i took a ton of pictures and those in the

last entry are just a small smattering of the plethora of pictures that were taken.

we went to the mall again the next day, and i got some vw bugs for my collection, and the

most wonderful skirt in the world, and it was inexpensive. yay for post-formal sales! it's a

shiny skirt of material that looks pink in some lights and blue in others. it came with a shirt

that has an odd neck, but isn't too bad. i also got a red velour shirt that was basted, so it

resembles stomach lining. woo!

and then we went to see man on the moon. talk about movie-gasm! it was amazing. andy

kaufman was so fascinating. so intense and in control and brilliant. i'm envious of that. i'm

at that odd place where i'm bright but not brilliant, so i can see those brilliant lights in the

night sky that is so devoid of a lot, but i can't reach it. almost some days i can feel the

warmth, but usually it's like faery lanterns. i follow the trickery only to find myself utterly


(pizza came... woo for rico's!)

anyway, i think it was the next day that we went to little five points (during the day). it's

very cool there-- like new college meets atlanta. lots of bizarre stores, and glory of glories

a vegan soul food restaurant! amazing food there! lots of fake meat, great dairy-free ice

cream, all sorts of good stuff. yay for things like that.

the next day we meant to go see fantasia, but we got there late, and they wouldn't let us in

(we got there at 7:02 and the movie started at 7!), so we went to barnes and noble and

read for awhile.

that night we went back to masquerade because they were having '80's night. that was so

much fun, except we weren't able to leave until 11, and the curfew still stood. so we got to

spent about 2 hours there. but i so love '80's music!

and the next day, which if i've got it all right, would be yesterday, michael's dad let us pick

her sister up early from school, and we went and saw fantasia. it was neat because it was

in an imax, but a lot of it was disappointing. i was particularly disappointed by the sheer

amount of computer graphics that were used. and i, the faery tale purist, went into a bit of

a rage about the ending of the steadfast tin soldier. why must disney make everything so


and then we went to the high museum of art, and i really enjoyed that. the main exhibit

was of normam rockwell, who is one of my guilty pleasures. i love his

paintings/illustrations, and i love them even more after that. he was an idealistic illustrator.

why must we in our post-modern bitterness be so critical of that, yo?

and then we went to harmony chinese restaurant, which was a completely vegetarian

restaurant, though you couldn't tell if you looked at the inside of the menu. it has

everything a regular chinese restaurant would have-- wonton soup, beef low mein, etc.,

but all with fake meat. it was amazing!

and then we went to kroger's for some food to bring back, and then we went home. and

this morning we woke up at 4:30. i was in an unbelievably foul mood. i wanted everyone

to die, and i kept on yelling at michael. anyway, we drove to the waffle house where we

were to meet sam, who drove us home, and we parked next to his car. which was more

full than we expected it to be. in fact, we had to get some bungee cords and rope to tie the

luggage on the roof, because the car was so full of stuff.

the ride back was nice, and sam is really cool. i've never talked to him before, but he's

really easy-going, and i like his taste in music. what better in a travelling companion.


in my cd player are Enya: Watermark, Tori Amos: 1000 Oceans, and Loreena McKennitt:

To Drive the Cold Winter Away, but i'm listening to my mix cd from leah and mike on my



i want email! Or, you can call my neat toll free voice mail at 1-877-220-5414. yeah! do it



did i ever tell you that on thanksgiving, we all sang raspberry swirl at the dinner table.


i'm so galdarn young yo!


my schedule:

jan. 10-feb. something early: do creative writing group isp

feb something-may 9: do a semester of classes

this summer: work at some tourist place in p.e.i.

the following semester: england or scotland


thank you to the wonderful mary who sent me the christmas card. i appreciate what you

said, and it gave me a ton of warm fuzzies. more than even dj and michael used to. *grin*


i'm a little concerned. mom gets off work at 5, and i've been calling her since i got home

(she normally doesn't work on saturdays anyway), and it's 8 now, and she's still not home.

i hope nothing went wrong and that she's just out visiting or shopping or something.


dancing to her baby's death

she said i

she said i'm just dancin' to my baby's death

she said i just

wanted to make it beautiful

she said


i start writing for real on monday! scary!


i love annie dillard. i wish i could write like her, except it's for writers like her that i do

read, so that i can see things that i don't see. i miss most of nature.


oh! fuji apples! pink lady apples! oh! the honey soymilk!


"it's supposed to taste like vagina not vanilla!" (from a discussion about flavored dental



so, maybe i'm not as self conscious as i thought. maybe i'm just able to talk freely about my

self-consciousness in a way less self conscious people can't. yeah, sure.


it's fantasia for gosh sakes! people are going to see it without star power! you don't NEED

angela lansbury!


i need a tony clifton

so i cn be cruel

and still brilliant

and i'm envious of


he stole the me

i could never be


fuck this shit


"we're like these strange creatures that bring joy, laughter and backstreet boys wherever

we go."

"that can be our 'slogo.' we can be call girls."


i feel like my life is constant pms

and i squeak when i cry

isn't that endearing

i can't wait till i outgrow myself


books i am reading:

wicca: a guide for the solitary practitioner by scott cunningham

les miserables by victor hugo

exhibitionism for the shy by carol queen

an american childhood by annie dillard

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