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*a short description of my week. 2002-07-31 8:53 p.m.*

in the past few days:

1. i've been holding a secret (that i'm still holding).

2. i found a shit ton of quarters among my stuff.

3. i've volunteered at also a bunch.

4. i think i've decided to quit my job.

5. i talked to my grandma and started crying while talking about how much my dad's deteriorated in his lifetime. she thinks he's going to die.

6. i talked to my grandma and had her tell me that if i ever need money i should let her know.

7. i went to alison's party and was given a hello kitty stamper that my cat keeps trying to swallow whole (it's a large thing, there's no danger, but good christ, she's deep throating hello kitty) and had really good food.

8. i talked to my mom and she told me she will hang on to a bunch of my stuff when i move to seattle, and we made moving plans for going back to campus.

9. i talked to my dad and he put his stepfaughter's baby on the phone and she gurgled.

(addendum, 9:23 pm) 10. oh, and i discovered someone is probably stealing our outgoing mail.

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