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*why be jewish? why? 2001-04-25 3:25 p.m.*

esoteroticism: i have a hypothetical question for you.

uNrEadletteRDay: ok

esoteroticism: well, um, i have this friend, right?

uNrEadletteRDay: uh huh.

esoteroticism: (this is really about my friend and not about me!!!)

uNrEadletteRDay: ok.

esoteroticism: and she's well she's... "person."

uNrEadletteRDay: uhhuh

esoteroticism: (person is not ME!)

esoteroticism: do you know what i mean?

esoteroticism: who i mean?

uNrEadletteRDay: no.

esoteroticism: to what i am referring?

esoteroticism: oh.

esoteroticism: well.

esoteroticism: um.

esoteroticism: who's in your room?

uNrEadletteRDay: noone.

esoteroticism: just you.

uNrEadletteRDay: yes

esoteroticism: unless you're somewhere else.

esoteroticism: okay.

esoteroticism: anyway.

esoteroticism: so...

esoteroticism: um, one day this friend was talking to her friend online and he said, "hey, go to this website."

esoteroticism: and she said, "okay."

uNrEadletteRDay: uhhuh.

esoteroticism: and she went and she said, "oh shit, this stripper works at pleasures! who is this, my friend who sent me this website?"

esoteroticism: and he told her.

uNrEadletteRDay: ok

esoteroticism: and she said, "wow isn't that ironic, because i've been kind of wishing i had the courage to talk to this girl because like we got along my first year and now she doesn't talk to me anymore and she did some meanish things to my friends but hey, what if i sign her guesbook and tell her how cool i think she is."

esoteroticism: so this friend of mine did that.

esoteroticism: and got a reply and it was all exciting for like 3 seconds and then everyone got bored.

uNrEadletteRDay: ok

esoteroticism: anyway... so, meanwhile she continues to read that and also various other pourings of people from new college's souls out....

esoteroticism: right.

esoteroticism: okay.

uNrEadletteRDay: ok

esoteroticism: so.... she has her own domain and she's had an online journal for the past 2 years.

uNrEadletteRDay: ok

esoteroticism: and she talks about everything like it's real, no code names no nothing.

esoteroticism: the rule is if you know her you can't read it.

uNrEadletteRDay: ok

esoteroticism: but like so many people are diaryland rock stars and she wants to be a diaryland rock star, too. and she feels guilty for reading everyone's deep dark secrets, and not exposing anything about herself.... BUT she pays money for the damn domain name so wouldn't be a waste to start a diaryland diary, but she's sure as hell not going to let people go to her "real" journal.

esoteroticism: so the question is... what should that person do?

uNrEadletteRDay: i don;'t know

esoteroticism: that's what i told her.


uNrEadletteRDay: do you (she) (they) read my thingy?

esoteroticism: it's not me, john, it's not me.

esoteroticism: but they might, and would you hate them?

esoteroticism: people at this school are fucking nosy!

uNrEadletteRDay: no.

uNrEadletteRDay: no no

uNrEadletteRDay: i put it on the internet

uNrEadletteRDay: how could i ever get upset that someone is reading it?

esoteroticism: well, they'd get upset if someone were reading there people-who-know-me-aren't-allowed-to-read-this journal...

esoteroticism: *shrugs*

uNrEadletteRDay: but that's not the case for mine. i think the only kids who read it know me

esoteroticism: but okay, so yeah they do.

esoteroticism: and she enjoys it a lot. she told me.

uNrEadletteRDay: nifty.

esoteroticism: and then there's the whole if she does it is it just to be cool thing. because even though it's something that she's been doing for years if she starts now it looks like she's piggybacking on so many people...

uNrEadletteRDay: uhhuhs

esoteroticism: WHY IS LIFE SO HARD, john demartino?

uNrEadletteRDay: it's not that hard

esoteroticism: *sigh*

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