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*michael the dream thwarter. 2001-04-26 7:14 p.m.*

today has been a day of thwarted dreams. oh wait, thanks to michael, more thwarted dreams.

no, not really. it's just been one of those days where everything i planned to do did not get done. mainly due to my own procrastination abilities, but yeah i went to the winds cubed times one more wind with michael and my "sex ed" i mean ethical theory professor was there, and she since i wasn't in her class today i was really into hiding from her. but i had to pee so it turned into this whole big thing with tigerlily opening the back door for me so i could go in and pee. anyway, the plan for the evening was to go to this art therapy thing for women's health forum week, so i asked michael to go find out what time it was and she said it was 25 minutes after the thing had started so i got sad. i didn't want to show up late because i didn't want to intrude on people's soul pourings. that happened at the body image consciousness raising and although it did go rather well eventually, i have to admit i was sort of annoyed. but yeah, i didn't want to show up late so michael and i went to the nat. sci. lab so she could write her research methods and write an email to hawthorne. but catnipboy, cuteinspanish, and weirdboywhoithinkmycrushusedtolike were in the lab playing music and being loudesque so we went to the palmer a labs and i started doing random computery things and then i looked at the time and look at that it's only 15 minutes after the art therapy thing was supposed to start. so that is why i will henceforth refer to michael as the dreamthwarter. but not in the journal. just to her face. so she will feel duely guilty for this evening's fiasco.

i feel like i'm channeling the voice michael used in her email to hawthorne.

anyway... i'm obsessed with internet time wasters. such as neopets (which is where i whack beasts and do other random things to earn points to feed my pets (ganeshaguru, slyraspberry, cutenessreally, and orbert). i'm a DORK!) and selectsmart. but yeah. when i was 12 i was really obsessed with writing down all the descriptions i got from personality quizzes in my journals. i have pages and pages of these things. it's so silly. quite frequently i'd get, like, both a and c and so i'd put down both descriptions. but yes, to follow in that tradition, i will tell you all about who i am according to selectsmart. i initially started going to selectsmart when i was in london sleeping in lust's spare bed, and telling her about my religion issues and she told me about selectsmart, and i went there and they told me i'm 100% unitarian (followed by like 98% liberal quaker or something like that) which made me really happy because i'd already decided my calling was to be a unitarian minister. and then i found out that i'm supposed to live in oregon and when i told lust this she told me that she got that too and everyone else she knew did as well. which i think is funny because she lives in wisconsin and loves it there and i completely wanted to shoot myself when i lived there. and the test was entirely climate/location based, and i'm more interested in where i want to live, politically and stuff. but anyway... so i haven't really looked at selectsmart since then until today when i went and discovered the arts and literature section. according to them i am an occasional library user (which is different from a bookworm, which i don't think is true... because i'm totally a bookworm, but i don't use the library here so much.), i'm pooh from winnie the pooh (and least like piglet), benvolio from romeo and juliet (because i'm loyal and have a practical view of love. and i got tybalt as the person i'm least like), i like renaissance art best (which is completely untrue), and (YAY!) i'm wesley from the princess bride. hey girls, come and get me.

okay. enough for this moment's plunge into the depths of my dorkiness. have a pleasant evening.

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