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*you'll be taken care of. 2001-10-25 7:03 p.m.*


the accute attack of sad has passed for now, i think. i called up both jennifer connelly and number one, and asked why, and they attempted to answer. and it really helped me feel better, and i feel loved and cared for even though not quite in the way that i would have it if i had my absolute way. You'll be given love

You'll be taken care of

You'll be given love

You have to trust it

Maybe not from the sources

You have poured yours

Maybe not from the directions

You are staring at

Twist your head around

It's all around you

All is full of love

All around you

but yeah... all is still full of love. and it will be okay. all will be well, and all will be well and all manner of thing will be well.

*listening to: *
<<< | >>>

*<<<<<* *<<* *<* | *>* *>>* *>>>>>*
*random* *list*