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*poopy on life's head. 2001-10-25 6:02 p.m.*

okay that really wasn't the brightest thing i've ever done, ever.

my obsessive chronicling of every moment of my life has its good points, but not in the whole "how to deal with a recent breakup" realm. there were all these entries, about its sheer amazingness, and it makes me cry again, because like i said, it's not supposed to be over. there was so much good there. and now i want to call somebody (jennifer connelly, number 1, james) and ask why it's over. because i feel like i missed that lesson in life management skills, that whole "why two people who love each other and had had the most beautiful relationship in the world should break up" one.

okay, back to bed for some curling up and whimpering.

whimpering. wimp-ering. wimp being the operative word here. i'm a life wimp.

*listening to: *
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