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*i'm sorry for saying i was sorry. 2001-05-12 10:10 a.m.*

why am i awake? why do i always wake up at this hour. i decided last night that my whole problem with my birthday was that i didn't get enough sleep (well, nobody got enough sleep), and here i am, out of bed way too early. i ask myself, "do you want to be grumpy?"

i woke up this morning, or the middle of the night, or the middle of this morning since i went to bed after midnight... i woke up and there was no kitten in my bed, that was th first time that's happened since she arrived and it made me sad. my stomach was not very happy either. i'd indulged too much on the irish cream last night and not enough on the water. i went to the bathroom and when i got back i turned on the light to find the kitten. she came running from wherever she was hiding.

i woke up at 10:00 or whenever it was that i woke up and the kitten was nestled right in the crook of my shoulder. she was purring.

when i started to move, she attacked my face.

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