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*i'm being followed by a moon shadow, moon shadow, moonshadow. 2001-05-19 9:15 p.m.*

i just finished a small paper doll project for a certain sexier than barbie girl i know so she should check her box. "groom" and someone who hearts good friends might be there.

i'm in jennifer connelly's room alone. she let me use her art supplies, but i ended up just using some cardboard, rubber bands, glue, the back of some wrapping paper, and some ink. and now i'm trying to figure out if i'm awake enough to do reading for this paper. i think i might nap till jennifer and michael get back and then go to the dance tutorial potluck with them. i finally figured out what i'm going to do this paper on, but i realized it would be nice if i could use john's cornel west book, so i'll have to see if i can stalk him for that. he's at the dance tutorial tonight.

i'm not sure how i feel about cat stevens singing "here comes my baby here she comes now and it comes to no surprise to me, with another guy." sometimes he does these songs... like this one and "another saturday night" that make you say, "cat, what were you thinking? why the sleazy boy songs?" there's something about his voice that sounds so old and wise. not so much in this song. i hope he found what he was searching for in islam.

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