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*you're mother is a fraggin' aardvark. 2001-05-19 7:13 p.m.*

i have a crown of stars and filmy white gauze. how could life be any better?

laying on your bed today, watching you sing james taylor, curled up in your arms was so beautiful. sometimes i'm so overwhelmed i want to cry. i almost cried while you were packing, because of a mix of the joy (which i appear to have found) and the sad (of work and the house thing and watching you pack) all mixed up. and then we held each other for awhile and i didn't know life could be so sweet.

and then i left your room to come back here to do work, and i saw osk! i screamed a lot and hugged him and hugged him and hugged him and he was so embarassed. "i'm not so honored... i mean, i'm not so special, faerie. you look even more like a faerie than before. maybe it's the crown... wait, is that a hickie? are you getting play!?" that boy. that good sweet boy. i miss him.

(laureltree... if you check this, stop her from working and have her read it. yeah. laureltree, you're the sweetest. know that.)

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