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*life is not so scary. life is not so scary. life is not so scary. 2001-12-04 4:32 p.m.*

"i think you'll be a really neat minister. i look forward to that."

thank you.

it was a good counsellor session, and it was my last one, so i'm all grown up now. heh. not so much. but i think i have made progress in some ways, though i'm damn tired.

i had a bit of a breakdown in my livejournal last night. paper writing is bringing me down, in that way that it does. i'm ready for it all to be over so that i can just sleep for a good long time. i had this realization last night that the paper topic i'd planned out was not going to work, and i had to think of a new topic. not a good realization to have midnight, 2 days before the paper is due. after flipping out and crying a lot, i finally went to bed, and today i looked up some stuff on my new paper topic and found 20 articles on it that i was able to send to myself on my computer. nonetheless, i worked up the courage to ask prof. bodhisattva if i could have an extension for monday, and he gave it! i gave no reason, just asked, and there it was. i'm still going to work my butt off on it tomorrow though. but it's good to have that lee-way.

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