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*my new statement for all of womankind. 2001-05-10 10:54 p.m.*

creative writing reading today. i'll post what i read eventually but i'm using jennifer connelly's computer right now. i was first because i was so nervous and i wanted to get it over with. i made the mistake of peering over the audience before performing and i saw laundryear and heather and it did kind of scare me a bit, but i overcame it and i even sang, though shakily. i think i sang better than i expected i would sing in public. *shrugs*

jennifer went after me and her piece was really exciting. it's funny that i'm writing this at her computer, but yo, you guys, i'm really proud of her. i feel like such a mom. and i mean, i know that she's not like anti-social or whatever, but i think she's way talented and i'm excited when she shows it.

almost immediately after the show exish's girlfriend's older sister, the older sister's husband, and oilly (who i only call that affectionately) kidnapped me and took me to crushgirl so i could open their presents. lots of flowy, glittery, fuzzy, velvety, stevie nicks-esque clothes. a very exciting hat that is on kitten right now as she sleeps, as well. i think a kermit the frog doll may be coming from crushgirl, but i wasn't supposed to see that.

yay birthdays! the countdown is on. less than and hour and bring on the bailey's!

crushgirl is supposed to come up and visit us soon and that's exciting. she was like, "i want to hang out with you." *laughs* it cracks me up how big an event in my life that feels like.

and now for an ani party. "and i said look at you this morning, you are by far the cutest, but be careful getting coffee, i think these people wanna shoot us. there must be some kind of local competition here to see who can be the rudest."

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