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*The famous 5.0 fl. oz. square bars in the silver foil wrap that says Klondike! 2001-05-01 2:22 a.m.*

what would you do for a klondike bar if :

your next door neighbours were having really loud exciting sounding sex

you were hungry for the potato chips you never bought

you were suffering from the shyness that one encounters when one met this girl once while collecting money for amnesty international and she's signed one's guestbook twice even and she seems like a good person but you wonder who she thinks you are/what she knows about you/why she gave you directions to bangkok

you just howled at the moon with jennifer connelly and saw a flock of pelicans if pelicans come in flocks and you thought they looked like fish flying in the air

you stopped caring really, you're sorry, you really are, but you were fine how things were and you don't think you have the energy to make the reparations, but thanks

you developed a new crush tonight

you're supposed to present tomorrow during your 4th class of the day and the thought just makes your insides stop

you found out about two more people who do coke and you feel like a prude that it bothers you, but you don't want them to have daughters who they steal money from to buy it, you don't want them to lose their brain cells before they turn 45, falling asleep at the wheel and making everyone who ever loved them really sad, because they know who these people used to be like and how brilliant they were once

you had a green marker on your desk

and two bears full of hunny

you feel like you're being too opaque and prosaic

you wonder what kind of education the minister you had in your youth had

you want to talk to so many people but you don't know what about

you found out that one of your friends almost got shot by some drug dealers and you want to express some kind of sympathy without expressing sympathy and without letting them know you know what you know

you found out that someone you love is pulling a cat stevens and rejecting everything they once loved for their newfound version of god

you got an email with the subject line, "barely legal asian girls" with some serial number afterwards but you've already deleted it

you also got an email with the subject line, "diane told me you're having erectile problems"

you sneezed

you don't really like klondike bars?

but i suppose the real question is:

what would jesus do for a klondike bar?

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