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*life goes bleh. 2001-05-01 12:31 a.m.*

it's been a shitty night. let's stop denying it to ourselves and admit that it's been a shitty night.

i mean. well. for me it has been on and off shitty, but all around disappointing. except for a nice discussion with diana, it's been pretty disappointing. the sandwich-getting adventure turned into one misadventure after another, including every single sandwich shop in the world being closed, the light that never fucking turned green, the "encounter" with the semi-quasi-ex-whatever-the-fuck-she-is which really wasn't an encounter at all, but fuck it, it fucked with my head, and then cel phone woman in front of us at publix. even the baby food i bought myself as a reward for all the hassle made me unpleased.

and i'm horrible because i missed jennifer connelly's birthday.

and yes, michael, i read the break up entry. so now i know about it before you told me, and i don't know how to deal with it either.

and i'm crashing from the caffeine that did not make me read and it just hit "both hands" on more joy, less shame, and life, just go fuck yourself, okay. stop screwing us over!

i mean... i mean... i wonder if michael would think it would be a bad or good idea to go to the beach and howl at the half-moon with me.

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