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*a kitten entry. 2001-06-25 11:41 a.m.*

my kitten smells like minty peanut butter. i am not making this up. she does.

i woke up this morning to her curious face with a piece of gum stuck right in the middle of her forehead. we don't know where she got the gum, but she had it. it was one of the funniest things i've ever seen especially because she was so blissfully unaware of it. i took off the largest bit, but of course a bunch of it still stuck. i lay in bed for awhile, but the kitten was still wandering around and the site of her with this white splotch in the middle of her forehead was too funny, and also kind of saddening so i called mom to see what to do.

"peanut butter."

"peanut butter?"

"yeah. peanut butter."

so a bit later, i got out the peanut butter. the kitten came running up to me. "food!" she said. "well..." i said. she purred and cuddled and i felt horrible. i stuck my finger in the jar and got a big chunk of peanut butter and stuck it on her head. "um..." she said, "food does not go there." "i know," i said. i held her and she continued to purr until suddenly she realized i was pulling her hair. "reeeee-arrrr!' she said, a high pitched pained squeal, coupled with intense anger. "i know, sweetie," i said. "i'm sorry." we fought the peant butter until it was all gone and she was thoroughly annoyed. i let her go and she jumped off of my lap and onto the floor, and then looked at me. i pet her and she let me, but then i put my hand near her mouth and she bit down hard.

but she is gumless, now. but stinky in a way that cat's just shouldn't be stinky.

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