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*kitten is getting tooooo big! 2001-07-25 12:32 a.m.*

i'm fighting off this wave of missing sadness tonight. i'm going to have the house to myself for 2 weeks, and it excites me but also concerns me as to the levels of boredom and sloth that i could sink into. sometimes that can be so comforting, especially when you're missing someone.

but i wrote enough about that in my livejournal so i will talk about my sexy haircut over here.

michael cut my hair, and she even shampooed it beforehand. we pretended we were doing an herbal essences commercial. as she has said before about various things, "i love us." but yes, anyway, then i went out onto a different director's chair, which was sitting on the sexy cheshire cat towels that blandon got from his work, and she cut my hair. it's really a cut that would look better had it been done with a clippers (and ohhhh, the feel of clippers... oh oh oh!), but clippers or no, it still feels fuzzy. woo! fuzzy hair! i approve! it was scary though, after i rinsed my hair and stuff, i looked spookily like my husband. this is getting too far.

so, the house is basically officially ours, so that's exciting. i talked to both the boys today and got all excited again. it scares me how excited i am, because i'm just afraid that somehow it will wind up being disappointing if i get too excited. but i continue to stay excited. so, um, there.

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