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*but like so many other people, i felt sick yesterday, too. 2001-05-24 5:06 p.m.*

kitten is happy to see me. i was barely home at all yesterday and this morning when i was i had a sort of flip-out session about the fact that i had accidentally ruined someone's book, and i was tired, and grumpy, and had forgotten to bring something i'd meant to bring to my room, and i was packing and throwing things around and did some damage to the litter box, so i'm feeling bad for her.

life has generally been pretty good. there's been lots to write about which of course means very little time to write about it. yesterday was the genesis performance thing where i did my best impression of 5 bitter biblical women and then i got worked on by young jesus and oh life was good.

um, yes, more i'm sure. just, since i'm the girl who updates like 12 times a day, i figured i'd update at least once today and this was the first time i had time.

*listening to: *
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