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*griffin, be gentle with yourself. 2001-05-23 11:33 a.m.*

i feel so young so many times so many ways. in the ways that i like myself, in the ways that i fuck up. i am young and small and naive and new.

i am happy when called "baby girl," when read to, when held tightly as i drift towards sleep. i am happy with my kitten and my crown and my cake-scented bath gel. i am new and in awe of the world. i am naive in my spirituality trying to explain to gnome how it is that such a new discovery could affect my life choices so much. feeling young and bold like i'm asking for his daughter's hand in marriage, when all it's something less personal to him and more personal to me and why do i feel so scared it feels so right it feels so right but it's so new.

*listening to: *
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