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*.yvan eht nioj 2001-05-30 8:58 p.m.*

i watched the simpsons tonight. i watched snl and kids in the hall during the day. i watched milo and otis while i was writing letters. i wrote 3 letters. i read i was a teenage fairy, i think i already wrote that, and now i'm almost done with forever... yay for light reading. yay for teen romance novels. i'm such a junkie.

mom took me to the grocery store. i bought hair gel, boca fake chicken nuggets, 4 cheese hot pockets, grape juice, white grape juice, rye bread, pita, and hummus. i had pita and hummus and leftover corn on the cob for dinner. mom had a morningstar farm griller.

i am talking in a slow, calm manner, cataloging my day.

there is a kitten asleep on the pile of clothes on the chair in my bedroom. the two top things are my target kneelength limegreen skirt with yellow polka dots and a lime green slip, and my silver snake skin boxer shorts. underneath are sheets and pillow cases. i can also see my sugar daddy and pool ball boxer shorts, my "don't assume i'm straight" tee-shirt, my cutoff khaki pants that are supposed to come just under the knee of a standard height man, but which come to my ankles, my cherry boxer shorts, my sky le bra, and my maroon bra.

i am listing things. it is easy to list things.

i asked my mom tonight just before she went to bed about a possible job she knows a little about. it's at selby and she's not sure if it's a job or just volunteering. she's very annoyed that she can't hire me in her department because they need someone. she thinks that the other job might only be for a month which sounds too short to her, but which i think sounds ideal. then i asked her about our long distance plan. i thought i remembered she had some exciting plan with lots of free minutes, but no, "i think it's 10 cents a minute."


it feels like it's been 2 weeks at least, but really it's only been 4 days and 3 since you last called. i miss you.

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