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*"'arrrgh! i'm angry!' that's something my dads would say. 2002-04-28 9:24 p.m.*

i hurt soooo bad! my body is sooo achy, especially my neck (maybe i motherfucking broke my neck, come on, broke my neck...). i'm also feeling quite toasty from the sun.

i woke up noonish after around 4 hours of sleep, and i was really doing pretty well. jennifer connelly and james and laurel tree came and picked me up and we went to the beach. oh wow. perfect beach day. i never wanted to leave. it was so nice out and the water was that perfect temperature again and it had waves even, so it was so soothing and fun at the same time, and these moon and ocean moments are getting me so in touch with my inner pagan. such a lovely lovely time. and yay! there was no tenseness between any of us!

i had to call michael to come give me a ride home, and she's such an amazing friend that she actually did come and get me, and we went to dance rehearsal. we are sucking less and less every day, but there is definitely a lot of tightening and sharpening that needs to be done. we were all tired girls, and my body was incredibly sore, but we made it through our rehearsal, and then michael and i went to go buy shoes for the dance. she was really hungry and so we also went to two senoritas where i got the vegetarian combo which is something i'd never had before (usually a bean burrito with queso sauce, a la carte). so i'm really full and also vowing to never buy anything ever again, but we'll see how long that holds out.

now i'm just trying to see how much longer i can stay awake. i'm not so sleepy as i am sore, and so i think i will curl up and read. and then tomorrow we have rehearsal at noon, and that's really it. i mean, there's tech rehearsal and dress rehearsal and maaaaybe a friday rehearsal, but really, we're there, folks.

(ps, there should be rehearsals of other things. maybe even a late night viewing of certain videos this week?)

(pps, i'm getting an exciting package in the mail soon. slightly related to the last ps, slightly related to my big dorky dykeyness, yeah. woo!)

(ppss. oh, woah, veruca salt or skeletor?)

(pppss. how on crack is the simpsons these days? and can you live without rage-ahol? 'cause if not you're a rage-aholic and that's bad and you might get boils on your neck, so you need to watch out.)

(pppsss. seagull sex disturbs me.)

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