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*maybe someday you will know how ubercrushable you really are. 2002-03-16 4:20 a.m.*

note to self:

do not try to make deep intellectual points while drunk. furthermore do not get offended nor deem onself "stupid" if no one listens to these points. being that you tend to go through the drunkenness relatively quickly, within an hour you will realize how ridiculous it was for you to shout at dyke-esscent, "i hate my life!"

in all honesty a good night, though i think i did reach a drunken low. i was that girl. you know, the one that decides that she is a bad bad friend and cries and talks about what a horrible person she is while people stand around helplessly and try and tell her that she is a good person, they love her, and she should not feel like that. that girl. okay, so maybe i have sort of been that girl while sober, but this, this reached a new level of frightening intensity.

perhaps, one should not drink whiskey, wine, and tequila all right after each other.

but there was some interesting honesty going on, something i do revel in (and i will keep my secrets, too, yo), and approval, and disapproval of bad things, and love all around, and yo, guys, there is a secret out there that involves me, in a good way. that's always nice to know. and if i can be smart and non-obsessive (won't that be a feat), i think good things will come of it all.

is anyone else seeing some sort of odd replay of the end of last year?

why do my hands smell like herbal essences?

*listening to: *
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