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*benson and matilda and woody guthrie and sweet honey in the rock. 2001-05-31 11:32 a.m.*

benson is on in the living room, and on the couch is a copy of matilda (with the movie cover), opened about midway. i bet there's a kitten in there playing with something.

benson used to be one of my favorite shows in the entire world. i still like it, but my attention span has not yet gotten into tv sitcom mode.

adam will be calling after he wakes up, which is sometime after noon. i'm nervous in that "how much will both of us have changed, what the fuck will we do in venice, what will we talk about" kind of a way. i'm sure, deep down, that it will be fine, but maybe it takes my mind off of other things to stress about little things.

this morning, i listened to sweet honey in the rock while in the shower. i like them a whole awful lot, but my favorite is still the song on the woody guthrie and leadbelly tribute album that we've had on tape for as long as i can remember, and that is too warped to listen to anymore. there's a new woody guthrie tribute out, and ani's got a song or too on it. i think bruce springsteen and u2 have songs on it as well, which is interesting, because they're on the old one as well.

i don't know why i have this compulsion to write sometimes. i mean, sometimes really good, interesting stuff comes out, i understand why i have this urge to write, but entries like this puzzle me. why did i have this incredible urge to leave matilda and benson to write this?

my brain flits from thing to thing, avoiding boredom as much as possible. i don't like it when my life becomes a way to avoid boredom. life should be more than that.

*listening to: *
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