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*Therefore it is seductive to rootless and alienated young people disenchanted with existential meaninglessness, disgusted with flaccid bodies and dissatisfied with the status quo. 2001-05-20 2:09 p.m.*

an hour and a half into the paper, a shower taken, page three almost completed, a kitten asleep on my lap, i think i have the right to break and write in the ol' olj for a minute. not that i have anything to write about, just the urge to write. it happens. you may have noticed, i do tend to update sometimes. i think pixiegurl might be beating me a little on the frequency of updates, but hey, the month is still young.

i just talked on the phone with the mommy. she is good. she is a good mommy. she might be bringing a big chunk of mail for me tonight, or she might bring it tomorrow. i just hope she brings it when i'm here. i love my mommy. it would be good to get a mommy hug. of course then she will notice incriminating marks on my neck, but ah well.

i was just listening to tom petty and i'm debating whether to hit play again or put something else on. i just picked up the cornel west book, and thumbed through the index. i just wrote 3 pages on w.e.b. dubois and the sorrow songs. i'm not sure if that's good or bad because that's what i did my response paper on, and i retouched on a lot of the same points i wrote about. but i didn't realize i was going to be doing my last paper on the same stuff when i wrote the response, so.... yeah.

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