*new* *old* *me* *rings* *email* *host* *you* *notes* *best*
*interview* *tests*

*He held up the envelope in which Mrs. Weasley's letter had come, and Harry had to fight down a laugh. Every bit of it was covered in stamps except for a square inch on the front, into which Mrs. Weasley had squeezed the Dursley's address in mun 2001-06-22 6:00 p.m.*

"you bet your life it is... you bet your life."

yay for mix tapes. really. i wish i had a tape recorder that works. you've probably heard this from me before. my old journal people know that mix tapes are my art form. they're the way i've dealt with a lot of shit in my life and the way i've expressed my joy. i wonder what it means that what i've considered my artform is actually just making a conglomeration of other people's art. i write. i guess that's my artform as well. and i sing. but i don't write songs. sometimes i sing things that just come out, and maybe that's art, but i don't save them in any form. mix tapes are something that i can be proud of in a weird way. they're permanent, and obviously i think the music is good. it's the flow and theme and stuff i work on.

yes. i am a dork.

but yeah, i got a package today from the ever wonderful mystic girl. she made me a journal with my own flower fairy on it, and this mix tape, and lollipops that my kitten keeps stealing, and bubbles and other wonderfulnesses. i want to send so many packages out now. i sent clarefromengland a package of weird american food items like handisnacks and goldfish and pixy stix (she will be disappointed that they do not fizz like sherbet), all in a lisa frank zipper bag. but that's been it and that took months to actually shove in the mail. i'm excited about this secret pal thing i'm doing through snail mail soon, and oh to set up the nc diaryland secret pal thing.

my sister is coming by so i can do an appointment with her tonight. it will be interesting. the last time i saw her was her wedding, which was the same day as vagina monologues and drag show last year (both of which i was in), and the day after i shaved my head. but yeah, we wrote a bit while i was in england and stuff. i love her, but we didn't have a whole lot of history together.

i met her when i was 12, and she was 17. i knew she existed since i was very young but i don't think she knew about me. she moved out of her mom's house in wisconsin to live with our dad the same summer i moved to wisconsin with my mom. we got along well, she was much more cool than i was. she loved alternative music and always threatened to beat me up, teasingly. the longest we ever spent together was about 48 hours at my grandparents' house. we also went to busch gardens together with her then boyfriend. but most of our interactions have been pretty short. we're shy with each other. it's weird having a sister you hardly know.

i also have my other sister who's not even related to me at all, but who i know so well. we met online when i was 17 and she was 14, and we've been really close ever since then. well, right now, she's kind of too busy to be online much, but we still have this rich history together, and when we're "together" it's like we never were apart. thogu we've never met.

sam wanted me to write about my online vs. real life relationships, but i'm not sure what to say but that. i'm not really into getting into the online boyfriends of the past stories.

james is off visiting relatives now, but it's not bad at all, because i know i will see her soon. she wisely did the math and discovered that not counting today or the day i get there, we will be together in 4 days. how exciting is that? and her parents will be away that whole week. i'm sad because i'd like to get to know them better, but i'm not going to complain about having a house to ourselves. mom is all worried because my flight leaves so early in the morning, and i was like, "if all else fails, i'll sleep in the airport over night" and she said she'll pay for a hotel room for me, so that might be exciting. i'll be good to my maids, though, of course.

okay, i will go read more harry potter till my sister comes.

*listening to: *
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