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*The sun glistened on his perfect white teeth as on petrified gardenia moistened with saliva. 2001-06-26 2:31 p.m.*

my mouth tastes like garlic. i'm still going through the hummus my dad made, but the garlic is too chunky and reminds me too much of onions and sometimes it makes me a wee bit nauseous, but if it weren't for the garlic chunks i would love it so much, but as it is i have to eat very little of it at a time or els ei think i'll vomit which is where i am now.

so, how are you? i finished reading the 4th harry potter today. good stuff. i plowed through the last 500 pages in the past 2 days, and when i finally went to sleep last night i dreamed that i was reading still and harry couldn't remember the word "apparate," and i kept shouting it at him in my head.

but yes, of course the most exciting news is that i will be seeing my wonderful girl in less than 24 hours. very soon we will be wrapped in each others' arms and that does make me so happy. i'm not done packing yet. i've got the clothes in there, some books, and i'm now contemplating how else to organize things. i also need to do the amazing amount of dishes that have been piling up, but i've already emptied out the clean dishes, and changed my litter box, and showered, and as i said, finished harry potter. so i've got like an hour and a half to do 8,000 dishes and pack. i think i can handle it.

i doubt you'll hear from me till next wednesday or thursday, so have a great week, take my poll, and sign my guestbook, yo!

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