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*either you just had a religious experience or... you saw suzy! 2002-02-28 1:50 p.m.*

james is looking so cute and cozy in her bed right now. i'm really glad that we've been getting along so well lately. we were kind of pissy with each other for awhile there, for whatever reason, but now things are good. we talked on the phone last night and were even able to joke about it. yay!

today has been a nice little day, thus far. i woke up to my alarm, but had set it so early that i got to lay around a bit. and i kept laying around for what felt like so long that i thought i was going to be late, and then only 5 minutes had passed. i like those kinds of mornings. and my kitten was curled up in the crook of my arm, on her back looking like such a little cub, and that was really nice... until of course she reached up and tried to pierce my nose. but yeah...

i got up and turned on my computer and got dressed and when i came back to the computer, malraux was saying hey so we talked for a bit until i left to walk to campus. halfway there, weird elf turned into a parking lot and asked if i needed a ride, so that was nice, and then in the parking lot i got to talk to beautiful buddhist who i haven't seen since last semester.

cozy four windsness was to be had, and james and i talked to diana and buttercup for awhile. i kind of had been planning on curling up with some drinks and reading, but james lured me away with promises of sabrina and clueless.

soon, i will be going grocery shopping with jennifer connelly. i'm going to be doing some intense stocking up, because my goal for the month of march is to buy nothing. of course michael and i already made plans that involve money for friday night, but as buttercup pointed out, march has 31 days, so it's okay if i miss one day. and i just put a chunk of money on my 4 winds card, so since i already spent it, that doesn't count.

james is making me sleepy. perhaps i will curl up on her loveseat and drowse off myself.

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