*new* *old* *me* *rings* *email* *host* *you* *notes* *best*
*interview* *tests*

*pimpin' it. 2001-06-09 10:54 p.m.*

lesser known fact about me, # 212:

i run an email quote list, and have for about 2 years now. i'm pimpin' it tonight.

Subscribe to quoteofthemoment

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tom, get over yourself. start your own journal. you certainly have some issues, why not work them out through journaling.

(ps, over the summer, my aolim screen name is esoterotictahini. talk to me.)

*listening to: *
<<< | >>>

*<<<<<* *<<* *<* | *>* *>>* *>>>>>*
*random* *list*