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*A Tale of the Ocean. 2001-05-17 8:53 p.m.*

She met the ocean that day. And they had a good conversation. A screamfest, a debate,

calming itself down to a song.

She couldn�t sing the way the ocean did, but she could translate. She closed her eyes and

melted into the water, singing out what she found there. It was a simple but sad tune.

And after she left, she carried it with her, and in times of trial, of loneliness she would sing

it to herself.

And one day she was a mother of a human child. And she sang her ocean song to her little

baby. And the baby learned to love the ocean, and she would sing to it, too.

And the ocean loved the child. And the child grew to a beautiful woman. And so one

day, the ocean claimed the girl. She followed its so familiar song. And in the gruesome

way of faery tales, the ocean claimed her and kept her.

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