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*clap your hands. 2001-05-17 8:52 p.m.*

Clap Your Hands

Josie dashed across the street without looking both ways. This was too important

for caution, and besides, no one drove down Shady Lane at this time of the afternoon.

She crossed safely, and ran up the walk to her best friend�s house, across the

street. Without pausing for breath, she rapped on the door.

Mrs. Murray appeared, eventually.


�Sure, come on in,� said Mrs. Murray, and took a quick step out of the way,

recognizing the urgency of the situation. She noticed how pale Josie�s face looked in

contrast to the white of her hair, and was concerned, but the look added to the glamour of

Josie�s strangeness.

Josie ran quickly up the stairs and into Tanya�s room.

�I saw one!�

�You saw what?�

�A faery! I saw a faery!�

Tanya�s eyebrows raised, and she frowned. �Really?�

�Yeah, really.�

Tanya�s eyes widened. �Where did you see this faery?�

�At the mall!�

�At the mall?�

�Yeah. This woman at the mall was a faery!�

�How could you tell?�

�Well, she was... she was just a faery! I dunno! I could tell, okay?� Josie put her

hands on her hips and scowled at her friend, knowing she wasn�t being believed.

�Well, I don�t believe you!�

Josie flickered. �But it happened! I saw her!�

�Did not!�

�Did so!�

�Did not!�

�Did so!�

�Didnotdidnotdidnot! And I don�t believe in faeries!�

Josie disappeared.

Later, when Tanya�s mother read Peter Pan to her, Tanya realized she should have

clapped her hands.

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