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*some day the world will stop smelling like vomit. and there will be much rejoicing. 2002-09-21 5:25 p.m.*

i got drunk last night. like, puking for a loooooooong time drunk. puking over the wall into the grass, puking into the garbage can in the 3rd court lounge, getting a ride back to my room from the cops, puking in my bedroom, puking in the bathroom drunk. people taking care of me and wiping my chest with wet paper towels drunk. well at first i was giggly fall over tell people things "from my gut" drunk. and then i got to the pukeys and yeah. none of that anymore.

i was brave today and told the boy we couldn't kiss anymore. i told him that it was confusing my life too much and that i liked him as a friend, but it just wasn't working for me, and he was very sweet and understanding.

i was not brave today in that i didn't walk to the girl's (we will call her "varjak, paul," "paul," "vp" or variations of that sort) house and say, "i love you. and you love me. i know it. and that's what we are supposed to do. love each other. and i think if we just let that happen, life would be simple."

but then as i was writing that paragraph, she showed up, and i sat a chair away like i do, and then i went to go get a menu from my sexy elfmom's room, and when i came back, james was in the chair i had been in, so i took a deep breath and sat down next to varjak, paul, and it was about the coziest thing ever, really.

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