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*i am not my biggest fan. 2001-11-20 1:02 p.m.*

i don't understand why i'm so grumbly lately. it does not make me happy to be this unhappy. but i'm so touchy and bitchy today. and my tummy's getting in on the game, and i have this weird floaty nausea. it's the kind of nausea that comes with really bad headaches, rather than like any kind of solid flu type thing.

i still haven't gotten my period, which is making me feel a little boy who cried wolf-y. i haven't even really felt crampy in the past few days. just pissed off at the world in general and myself in particular. i still have marks on my wrist from where i bit it this morning from having "done something wrong" though hell if i know what that was. you're right. my operation license for life should be revoked.

i'm in palmer a, and it's ridiculously hot in here, and that and the giggles of the up students is making me want to hit something, so i will go away. and then maybe i will stop grinding my teeth and wanting to cry for absolutely no reason at all.

i really don't like me some days.

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