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*non-ho hair? is that like don ho hair? 2002-05-21 12:27 a.m.*

so yeah, today some guy tried to pick me up as a prostitute on the side of the road. pissed me off, and made me feel real yucky. but fortunately i was on my way to get my hair from our favorite scissors mcscissorshappy, blackbird. so yeah, i got my hair cut, and words like "sexy," "hot," and "dykey" have been used. very exciting. asia said to me, "i don't want to offend you, but your hair is really sexy in a dykey sort of way." woo dawggy! that would be me. sexy dykey way. (like penny lane, but different.)

i went home and played computerness for awhile and then came back to campus and went to eat with bug and apb and retro at new dynasty and oh good christ was that some good food. i'm not entirely sure i will have the star of riches shining on me (in bed) but still, good times all in all.

and then much wandering around with the laurel tree. at one point we ran into retro and her mom who commented on my non ho hair. i think it's funny the randomness that woman knows about me. she knows about the state of my house, and my penis, and she knew about my non ho hair before she saw it.

and then there was chanting, and i wasn't entirely in the right space for it, but it's good to know that it'll be around next year. i feel like my year has been sadly chant free.

and now there will be truth or dare jenga so i will run away. and this is just scrap metal on the intersection making noise making noise making noise.

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