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*my little demon. 2001-10-30 4:31 p.m.*

who the fuck found this site by looking for "sarasota 'new college' porn"????!

anyway... i just had a good appointment with my counsellor. i had a breakthrough. a really disturbing breakthrough that highlights something really ridiculous about my mind.

i'm terrified of my sub-conscious. like, really, very afraid of what it could do, what it wants to do, what it might make me do, without me realizing that i want to do it. it's why i'm never quite sure of my motives in anything i do. because, even though i think i'm doing something for a certain reason, i'm afraid that maybe deep down, in the recesses of my mind, i'm actually doing something i would never consciously agree with.

so, basically, i'm afraid of some sort of weird demon-possession. that my subconscious is actually like a demon that can control everything i do without me realizing it at all.

gar! i'm on crack!

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