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*kick target's ass for me, will you? 2001-06-08 3:14 p.m.*

target is a bunch of bitches. (that statement caused my to miss a certain boy who makes me say things like "a bunch of bitchy butches at the beach!" he promised he'd come back to new college. he lies!) i went there for the second interview, because one judy thought the other judy (the one who had interviewed me) had never given her my file. oh, no wait, it was on her desk. ha. and oh, look, you can only work for the summer. sorry, we don't have a place for you. thanks for applying though. try the bradenton store. RAR! *kicks things*

the ecstasy and the divine intoxication (see my yahoo signature file) are hard to find when money is involved. guys, when are we starting that hippy farm?

poopy. on my head.

in other news, not a whole lot. did i tell you i finished the hotel new hampshire? i think i did tell you. now i'm reading 8 cousins by louisa may alcott. nothing like some kid fluff after a good irving novel. it's so funny, because she had some pretty radical ideas for her time, but still, definitely a product of the time. rose's opinion of the chinese people, geez!

i want to go home.

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