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*there's no place like home. 2001-06-08 11:07 p.m.*

trying the houses entry again.

i don't remember the first house i ever lived in. iknow it's white. we have a photo of dad in front of it, and mom has pointed it out while passing. i know the story of how my parents were taking a walk, eating peanuts, when my my mom went into labor. that's about it.

house #2 was the house of the swing porch and mr. t cereal, the first time i saw the wizard of oz and the first time and picnics with dolls in the attic. the house of marley the cat and dave the dog and dave the mailman and inu the dog who got run over while we were watching her and the cat my parents called django and i called snow white because she was black and i think we got the doves and bunny wailer there, too.

#3 was johnny's house. johnny and jessie and susan. and us for awhile. they had starfruit in their backyard, and a creek. they had a dog named jake.

#4/#5 i'm not sure which is which. we lived with dad's dealer for awhile, and i remember little about that except learning about sex and seeing my dad cry and blaming it on mom. i later, much later, learned that it was because of drugs. the other house was the icky green house which is near where visiting professor stayed and where female music professor lives. i remember seeing my dad put a knife in the wall and going into mom's room where she was crying. i remember very little else. except it was an awful color. we got kicked out when we got a dog (we still had the rabbit and i think this is where clyde the cat came into our lives, but the other pets had left us) and when i broke the wall. i broke the wall playing circus in the bathtub banging out music on the walls. the dryrot was so bad that a 5 year old broke the wall, and WE got kicked out.

#6 was carrie's house. she was a toddler, and i thought that was webster's disease, so i thought the poor girl would never grow. i had lice in that house, and her dad got a perm while i was living there. there was a fascinating neighbor girl. my grandparents came to visit and saw how bad my dad had gotten and made us go to wisconsin with them.

#7 is my grandparents' house. my best friend lived across the street so life was good. my grandpa worked the night shift at the paper mill so we had to be quiet indoors. we played in the basement a lot and put on plays of fairy tales with her sister and foster sister. i had my 4th kindergarten teacher there (1st was too easy, 2nd had a nervous breakdown, 3rd... well, i moved to wisconsin) who i loved.

#8 was the midget house. where ringling's dwarves used to live. i saw my dad walk naked through that house one night, and was very surprised at how different his penis looked from the other one i had seen. he got lovely, the dog, from a junkyard. he thought she was a puppy, but now we realize she was just a small grown up dog. we made her a dog house and chained her too it and all she would do was bark and dig holes. the circus parade went by that house. johnny and i thought it was really weird how the camels had backward knees.

a summer in wisconsin for me, coming home to house #9. ringling's beach house, which was now apartments. poor condition, lots of bugs. but i had fun there. we still had the rabbit who we kept in the storage room when the landlord came. also had clyde but the landlord liked him. a cat came most nights and "sang" with clyde. i named him tang because he was orange. my best friend at the time convinced me that there was an alien in the shower. we also spent a whole night cleaning the house, making more of a mess than anything. that was the one time my mom ever spanked me.

#10. "hippy commune." cutest little house of the 3 on the property. lots of people moved in and out. we lived there for 2 years which was a record only beaten by house #2. the landlady had a schizophrenic son who lived with her. my parents decided to separate, so we moved to wisconsin. my dad brought a load of stuff up, and he came back to no house. the son had burned the place down.

#11 was the same as #7. my grandparents' house while mom got back on her feet to move into

house #12, which was an apartment like the ringling beachhouse. it had a weird smell. i made friends with the girl who lived upstairs from us, and heard her scream as her mom beat her when i tried to sleep at night. i'm not sure why we moved, but we moved the third time in 5th grade to

house #12, which was my great-grandma's house. mom started smoking again. my 5th grade teacher and i still write christmas cards to each other.

house #13 is a house you'd never recognize as a house from the outside. it's upstairs from luminair dome ceilings, and the business's name is written on it. but it's spacious and has a great yard thanks to my mom. we lived there all of my middle school career. i met my best friend there. we had 3 cats, storm cloud and bobby sox, who were kittens when we moved in, and clyde. bobby sox got run over. we also had buddy for awhile. he was the springer spaniel who lived with us while his owners (the previous owners of the hippie commune) lived in a place where they couldn't have dogs. he went crazy living with us in the luminair house, because he couldn't run by the sea anymore, so we had to give him back.

house #14 was house #7 and #11, but now it belonged to my aunt. she had a son, who was 4? when we moved in. i went crazy sharing a basement room with my mom, living with a spoiled 4 year old, being 14. i couldn't wait to come home. but it didn't look like that would happen because mom bought

house #15. it was the 1st house we ever owned, and it was actually a mobile home. the pipes froze a lot. we had the worst winter in 1oo wisconsin years. i went into a deep depression, and realized i liked girls. there were some good times, though. and we got montgomery (dad had clyde, who died of old age).

house #16 was house #13. mom found out that it was for rent again, so we moved right in when we got back to florida. i lived there until i came to new college.

mom moved into house #17 my first winter at new collge, but i upped the average by living somewhere different every semester. which has been 6 semesters, so i've lived 22 places if you don't count this house, 23 if you do.

i hate moving.

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