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*ha ha ha we love these hoes 2001-04-27 6:37 p.m.*

i cut my finger open on an easter gift from my mom. what does that mean? symbolically.

nonsymbolically, literally, it means that it hurt.

i'm doing like 20 things tonight. it will be way exciting. i think i want to get blasted. it's been awhile. i think i'm ready. ready to be a knurd once again.

i'm listening to 98.7, and i love it. but i can only take it in small doses. a) because they play the same songs over and over again and b) because there's so much offensiveness. the offensiveness in the songs amuses me somewhat, but the offensiveness of the djs is less amusing. i guess it's because this is a local-ish radio station. i could see these people. these people REALLY exist. some woman called in talking about some "dyke who looked like a man" and that bothered me, and then they have this whole woman having an orgasm noise thing, which i don't mind, but it's the terminology they use that bothers me. *shrugs* i mean, it's not too bad, but it's not my favorite thing either.

i lost my creative writing notebook. it has all my assignments in it (like what they are... i've done one assignment all mod), and all the stories i have to critique, and i sort of use it as a journal... and it's got some, "why does someone so wonderful exist"nesses in it... so it's scary.

but anyway, michael's here so off i go.

*listening to: *
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