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*hi, teach! hi, pupe! 2001-12-16 12:24 a.m.*

the last 50 pages of a book ar always the hardest to read. the anticipation of the end makes it really hard to get there. that's why, although i have so little to read before i get to the end of up the down staircase i felt this need to shower, and then do some websearches for more people from the play. can't find anything on frances (of course, you can never find anything about frances, even though everyone in the bloody world knows her, and you run into her in the strangest places, and she gives you one of her famous hugs, and asks for your phone number and that's the last you hear about her until you get your tattoo, and discover that your tattoo-artist had been handfasted to her for a short time...), or elizabeth ellis, though that's because there's some famous professor dude with her name, or jill, except for a webpage from florida sucks u, telling you that she went to france 2 years ago... but then, i found something about lou martin the boy i went on one of the most awkward dates in history with. well, i guess that's what you should expect from 2 8th-grade queer kids, who both had crushes on the same girl. but anyway... i'm proud of him. though i'm half-terrified and half-hoping that he might check his stats and find this and say mean things to me through email regarding mchabe. well, the half-terrified is that he will send a mean email, the half-hoping is that he will get in contact, so if he ever does find this, "hi. how are you? i enjoy the pictures with the makeup." (which is true. boys with makeup make the me very happy. but what's particular exciting in his case is that it makes him look like some sort of daring butch dyke. rarrr! (the sex drive is gradually creeping back))

after wandering into his den of debauchery, i did a search for t. i'd heard she was shocked by someone's news of the headshaving stint, and lately, i've been weirdly craving a good chat with her as well. i could find nothing, so i tried to find things about rhs's drama department and wound up finding methodist's (probably ex)girlfriend's email address. so i emailed her. it's like my life is a weird melding of her life and lou's (gar! he's not remotely a lou... but we're using up the down names here.). i found out that she's studying religion, with the plans to be a minister, or else a florida state senator. or at least that's what the website said. wondering if she'll ever reply. i think i'd like to get into some discussions with her.

okay, i think it's time to crawl into bed and finish the novel. nighty night, kids.

(link: summerhill. yummy school i almost volunteered at. but they didn't need anyone at the time. or well, they needed someone who'd help them more than i could. free schools rock the casbah's socks off.)

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