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*my cat is my only friend because of amtrak. 2001-12-15 8:42 p.m.*

the book is a lot more harsh than the book. in the book one of sylvia's homeroom students dies from a home abortion. that's not in the play at all.

yeah, i'm going to skip the whole thing about how abortion is such a difficult topic for me, because i can understand the necessity, but how it's one of the most depressing concepts i can think of.

and go into how even though it's a lighter play than book, it was still so much t's way of saying how much rhs sucked ass. this was a 1960's intercity school, and our "model" high school in affluent 1990's sarasota was sucking ass in a lot of the same ways. she came to rhs that year from, i think it was california. or maybe this was right after her stint on an island, where a hurricane almost took her away and she crouched on the bathroom floor waiting it out. which was all after she was a soap opera star. which was also after she had a college roommate with snoopy posters. anyway... she came to rhs the year i moved back from wisconsin, and that was the first year in many for rhs to have a drama program. the auditorium, like many rooms there, was a "sick room," mold spores everywhere, but it was particularly bad, because it hadn't been opened up for years, and was flooded and all that good stuff. it was in sorry condition, but by the time i graduated, there were new curtains and carpets, and i think they finally drained all the water out of the orchestra pit.

after the play, she got more and more stressed and worn out, and in one class broke down into tears and told us all her problems. rhs was intense for us all.

the next year felt entirely different. so many of us had senioritis, and the class just never felt as bonded as in that first year when we were fighting the odds to even exist.

(link: fkiss stuff. i don't have this program anymore, but oh, the fun while i did.)

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